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Environmental Disclosure

Take Control of Your Electricity Costs

MC Squared Energy Services, LLC (mc2) is a certified Alternative Retail Electricity Supplier (ARES) in the State of Illinois. As such, mc2 is required by the Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 and the rules of the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to provide its' customers with Environmental Disclosure Information on a quarterly basis. To that end, the information contained herein provides a breakdown of the different sources that generated electricity for delivery to our customers through the PJM Interconnection, the regional transmission organization or RTO for the ComEd service territory.

mc2 appreciates the opportunity to provide our customers with reliable and competitive electricity supply options. If you are interested in hearing more about the products and services we offer, including obtaining 100% green power supply above the minimum Illinois Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requirements, please contact us toll free at 1-877-622-7697.

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