Business Environmental Options
Green-e Energy Certified RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) provided by mc² represent the attributes of energy produced by renewable sources, like wind power, but do not include energy. These certificates are paired with your electricity supply purchase to match 100% of your electricity usage to create a renewable energy resources program for you. See how you can reduce your carbon footprint with the mc² Green Option Pricing Plan.
Business using
100,000 kWh
per year
mc2 Green Option Pricing Plan
Estimated Carbon Avoided*
122,500 pounds of CO2 avoided
Equivalent to:
Removing 12 cars from the road for a year

Equivalent to:
Removing 8 households of electric usage for a year

*These calculations and assumptions are based on the EPA greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator found at:
The Green Option Pricing Plan price plan will include:
- A fixed price per kWh beginning on your first meter read date after successful enrollment for the term selected
- Green-e Energy Certified RECs to cover 100% of your electricity requirements
- Recognition for helping support clean, sustainable and renewable energy
- A sticker to display at your place of business
- A logo to add to your website to show your customers that you help support a clean environment